Produção Acadêmica

Artigos em revistas

1. CAMILETTI, G. G. ; PASSOS, C. A. C. ; RODRIGUES, E. V. . Física experimental em casa: Enfrentamento à pandemia de covid-19. EXPERIÊNCIAS EM ENSINO DE CIÊNCIAS (UFRGS), v. 18, p. 289-299, 2023.

2. NUNES, L. G. S. ; PASSOS, C.A. C. ; ORLANDO, M. T. D. ; CHAGAS, J. V. S. ; SALUSTRE, M. G. M. ; GALVAO, E. S. . Sintering process and characterization of the SmBaCuO/Al composite. PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, p. 1354243, 2023.

3. CACERES, J. A. S. ; PASSOS, C. A. C. . Electrical and Ferroelectric Properties of Undoped and Er-Doped PZT52/48 Electroceramics Synthesized by a Polymeric Precursor Method. MATERIALS RESEARCH, v. 25, p. e20200538, 2022.

4. MONTEIRO, L. P. ; MENELLI, W. ; PASSOS, C. A. C . Uma proposta com arduino para investigar a dualidade onda-partícula da luz. Revista do Professor de Física, v. 6, p. 439-449, 2022.

5. CACERES, J. A. S. ; PASSOS, C. A. C. . Effect of Er ion substitution on the micro-structural and electrical properties using a polymeric precursor method in PZT52/48 ceramics. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS, p. 110375, 2021.

6. NASCIMENTO, J. O. ; PASSOS, C. A. C. ; CARVALHO, J. D. S. G. ; VIEIRA, E. A. ; MORET, M. A. . A pandemia de SARS-CoV-2: cenários epidemiológicos e medidas de correlações. REVISTA CEREUS, v. 13, p. 246-272, 2021.

7. CARDOSO PASSOS, CARLOS AUGUSTO; VIEIRA, ESTÉFANO APARECIDO ; LOURENÇO, JOSÉ ANDRÉ ; OLIVEIRA DO NASCIMENTO, JEFFERSON . Characteristics and Evolution of COVID-19 Cases in Brazil: Mathematical Modeling and Simulation. REVISTA CEREUS, v. 13, p. 207-222, 2021.

8. CACERES, J. A. S. ; CHAGAS, J. V. S. ; PASSOS, C.A. C. . Synthesis and characterization of PZT 52/48 ceramics without additives througt nanomertric powder. Materia-Rio de Janeiro, v. 26, p. e12959-1-e12959-11, 2021.

9. CACERES, J. A. S. ; PASSOS, C. A. C. ; BARBIERI, R. C. ; CHAGAS, J. V. S. ; CORTELETTI, R. T. . Study of Structural and Electric Properties of the PZT 52/48 Doped With Er+3. MATERIALS RESEARCH, v. 22, p. 20190123-1-20190123-9, 2019.

10. GONÇALVES, A. M. ; GARCIA, F. ; LEE, H. K. ; SMITH, A. ; SOLEDADE, P. R. ; PASSOS, C. A. C. ; COSTA, M. ; SOUZA-NETO, N. M. ; KRIVOROTOV, I. N. ; SAMPAIO, L. C. ; BARSUKOV, I. . Oscillatory interlayer coupling in spin Hall systems. Scientific Reports, v. 8, p. 2318-1-2318-6, 2018.

11. SILVA, K. J. S. ; TELLEZ, D. A. L. ; VARGAS, C. A. P. ; BUITRAGO, D. M. ; PASSOS, C. A. C. ; CAPUCHO, I. M. ; PINTO, J. N. O. ; Abilio, V. T. ; ALBINO AGUIAR, J. . Magnetization Measurements at High Temperature on Highly Oriented FeSe 0 . 5 Te 0 . 5 Superconductor. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, p. 1699-1704, 2017.

12. BOLZAN, M. S. ; ORLANDO, M. T. D. ; PASSOS, C. A. C. . Critical Current Model for Polycrystalline Compounds with an Intrinsic Solid Solution of Two Mixed Superconductor Phases. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, v. 1, p. 1, 2015.

13. RODRIGUES, R. V. ; MACHADO, L. C. ; MATTOS, J. R. ; MURI, E. J. B. ; Marins, A. A. L. ; BRITO, H. F. ; PASSOS, C. A. C. . Oxysulfate/oxysulfide of Tb3+ obtained by thermal decomposition of terbium sulfate hydrates under different atmospheres. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, v. 122, p. 765-773, 2015.

14. PASSOS, C. A. C.; ORLANDO, Marcos Tadeu D'azeredo ; BOLZAN, M. S. ; CAPUCHO, I. M. ; Abilio, V. T. ; MACHADO, L. C. ; PASSAMAI JUNIOR, José Luis . Performance of a Polycrystalline SmBaCuO Superconducting Fault Current Limiter. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, v. 28, p. 2945-2952, 2015.

15. PASSOS, C. A. C.; RODRIGUES JUNIOR, V. A. ; Abilio, V. T. ; SILVA, G. M. ; MACHADO, L. C. ; MACHADO, I. P. ; Marins, A. A. L. ; MURI, E. J. B. ; CRUZ, Paulo Cesar Martins da ; MERIZIO, L. G. . Development and test of a small resistive fault current limiting device based on Hg, Re-1223 and Sm-123 ceramics. Materials Research (São Carlos. Impresso), v. 17, p. 28-32, 2014.

16. PASSOS, C. A. C.; ORLANDO, Marcos Tadeu D'azeredo ; PINTO, J. N. O. ; Abilio, V. T. ; DEPIANTI, Janaina B ; CAVICHINI, A. S. ; MACHADO, L. C. . Development and Test of a Small Resistive Fault Current Limiting Device Based on a SmBaCuO Ceramic. Advanced Materials Research (Online), v. 975, p. 173-178, 2014.

17.PASSOS, C. A. C.; Rocha, J. R. ; BOLZAN, M. S. . Effects of Oxygen Doping on the Transport Properties of Hg0.82Re0.18Ba2Ca2Cu3O8+d Superconducting Polycrystals. Advanced Materials Research (Online), v. 975, p. 95-100, 2014.

18. ELEUTERIO, F. H. S. ; AMORIM, L. S. ; BELICH, H. ; ORLANDO, M. T. D. ; PASSOS, C. A. C. ; ESPINOZA ORTIZ, J. S. . Two Mixed Superconducting Phases in (Hg, Re)-1223 Ceramics. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, v. 27, p. 2679-2684, 2014.

19. SANTOS, E. M. ; ORLANDO, Marcos Tadeu D'azeredo ; MILTAO, M. S. R. ; MARTINEZ, Luis Gallego ; ALVES, A. S. ; PASSOS, C. A. C. . Model for Analysis of Biaxial and Triaxial Stresses by X-ray Diffraction Assuming Orthotropic Materials. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, v. 49, p. 05660-056610, 2010.

20.PASSOS, C. A. C.; Kasal, R B ; Passos, C A C . Electronic phase separation transition as the origin of the superconductivity and pseudogap phase of cuprates. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter, v. 21, p. 235701-1-235701-6, 2009.

21. PASSOS, C. A. C.; ORLANDO, Marcos Tadeu D'azeredo ; KELLER, G. ; PASSAMAI JUNIOR, José Luis ; FERREIRA, J. A. ; MELLO, Evandro V L de . A description of the transport critical current density behavior with applied magnetic eld in Hg,Re-1223 polycrystalline superconductors. Physica. B, Condensed Matter, v. 404, p. 3123-3126, 2009.

MELLO, Evandro V L de ; KASAL, R. B. ; PASSOS, C. A. C. ; S. FILHO, O. T. . Electronic Phase Separation and the Inhomogeneities in Bi2212. Physica. B, Condensed Matter, v. 404, p. 3119-3122, 2009.

23. ROSSI, J L ; CORREA, Hamilton Peres Soares ; PASSOS, C. A. C. ; ORLANDO, Marcos Tadeu D'azeredo . Study on the Crystal Structure of the High Tc Superconductor (Hg,Re)-1223. Powder Diffraction, v. 23, p. S23, 2008.

24. MARTINEZ, Luis Gallego ; ROSSI, J L ; ORLANDO, Marcos Tadeu D'azeredo ; PASSOS, C. A. C. ; CORRÊA, Hamilton Peres Soares . Study of the crystal structure of the high Tc superconductor Hg1-xRexBa2Ca2Cu3O8+d; by using EXAFS, XANES and XRD. Materials Research, v. 11, p. 131-135, 2008.

25. MARTINEZ, Luis Gallego ; ROSSI, J L ; ORLANDO, Marcos Tadeu D'azeredo ; PASSOS, C. A. C. ; MELO, F C L de ; CORRÊA, Hamilton Peres Soares . Synthesis of Superconducting Ceramics Hg0.82Re0.18Ba2Ca2Cu3O8+d with Different Values of d. Materials Science Forum, v. 591-59, p. 392-396, 2008.

26. PASSOS, C. A. C.; ORLANDO, Marcos Tadeu D'azeredo ; MEDEIROS, Edna F de ; SAMPAIO, Ray Vianna ; FARDIN, Jussara Farias ; SIMONETTI, Domingos Sávio Lyrio . Application of the (Hg,Re)-1223 ceramic on superconducting fault current limiter. Physica. C, Superconductivity, v. 460, p. 1451-1452, 2007.

27. PASSOS, C. A. C.; ORLANDO, Marcos Tadeu D'azeredo . Effects of Y doping on the (Hg,Re)-1212 superconductor properties. Physica. C, Superconductivity, v. 460, p. 728-729, 2007.

28. PASSOS, C. A. C.; ORLANDO, Marcos Tadeu D'azeredo ; CORREA, Hamilton Peres Soares ; MEDEIROS, Edna F de ; ROSSI, J L ; GARCIA, Flávio ; TAMURA, e ; FERREIRA, F. F. ; MELO, F C L de . Phase segregation of (Hg,Re)-1223 superconductor. Physica. C, Superconductivity, v. 460, p. 1182-1183, 2007.

29. ORLANDO, Marcos Tadeu D'azeredo ; PASSOS, C. A. C. ; PASSAMAI JUNIOR, José Luis ; MEDEIROS, Edna F de ; SAMPAIO, Ray Vianna ; CORRÊA, Hamilton Peres Soares ; MELO, F C L de ; MARTINEZ, Luis Gallego ; ROSSI, J L . Distortion of ReO6 octahedron in the Hg0.82Re0.18Ba2Ca2Cu3O8+d superconductor. Physica. C, Superconductivity, v. 434, p. 53-61, 2006.

30. PASSOS, C. A. C. ; FARDIN, Jussara Farias ; SIMONETTI, Domingos Sávio Lyrio ; PASSAMAI JUNIOR, José Luis ; MEDEIROS, Edna F de ; ORLANDO, Marcos Tadeu D'azeredo ; FERREIRA JR, Manuel M . The influence of oxygen partial pressure on growth of the (Hg,Re)-1223 intergrain junction. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, v. 16, n.1, p. 15-20, 2006.

31. PASSOS, C. A. C.; ORLANDO, Marcos Tadeu D'azeredo ; PASSAMAI JUNIOR, José Luis ; MELLO, Evandro V L de ; CORRÊA, Hamilton Peres Soares . Resistivity study of the pseudogap phase for (Hg,Re) - 1223 superconductors. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, v. 74, n.9, p. 94514, 2006.

32. PASSOS, C. A. C.; ORLANDO, Marcos Tadeu D'azeredo ; PASSAMAI JUNIOR, José Luis ; MEDEIROS, Edna F de ; FARDIN, Jussara Farias ; SIMONETTI, Domingos Sávio Lyrio ; ALBINO AGUIAR, J. . Superconducting Fault Current Limiter Device Based on (Hg,Re)-1223 Superconductor. Applied Physics Letters, v. 89, p. 242503-1-242503-3, 2006.

33. PASSOS, C. A. C.; ORLANDO, Marcos Tadeu D'azeredo ; FERNANDES, Antônio Alberto ; OLIVEIRA, Flávio Duarte Coelho ; SIMONETTI, Domingos Sávio Lyrio ; FARDIN, Jussara Farias ; FERREIRA JR, Manuel M . Effects of oxygen content on the pinning energy and critical current in the granular (Hg,Re)-1223 superconductors. Physica. C, Superconductivity, v. 419, n.1-2, p. 25-31, 2005.

34. ORLANDO, Marcos Tadeu D'azeredo ; MARTINEZ, L. G. ; CORREA, Hamilton Perez Soares ; PASSOS, C. A. C. . Structural Parameters as a Funtion of the Oxigen Content in (Hg, Re) - 1223. Activity Report (Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron), Campinas - Brazil, v. 1, n.1, p. 311-312, 2004.

35. ORLANDO, Marcos Tadeu D'azeredo ; CORRÊA, Hamilton Peres Soares ; PASSOS, C. A. C. . Strucutral parameters as a function of the oxygen content in (Hg,Re)-1223. Activity Report (Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron), LNLS, v. único, p. 311-312, 2003.

36. PASSOS, C. A. C.; CRUZ, Paulo Cesar Martins da ; ORLANDO, C. G. P. ; ELÓI, N. A. ; CORREA, Hamilton Peres Soares . Effects of oxygen content on the properties of the Hg0,82Re0,18Ba2Ca2Cu3O8+d superconductor. Superconductor Science and Technology, v. 15, p. 1177-1183, 2002.

37. ORLANDO, Marcos Tadeu D'azeredo ; MELLO, Evandro V L de ; PASSOS, C. A. C. ; CAPUTO, M. R. C. ; MARTINEZ, Luis Gallego ; ZEINI, B. ; YUGUE, E. S. ; VANONI, W. ; SAITOVITCH, E. B. . Hg, Re-1223 system: Tc dependence on hydrostatic pressure and thermopower measurements. Physical - Superconductivity, v. 364, p. 350-352, 2001.

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